Osama Rifai
Director of the Center for Mergers & Acquisitions

Osama Rifai obtained a degree in business administration at the University of Fribourg. He has decades of experience in corporate finance and M&A, both in the banking sector and in globally active industrial companies. Osama Rifai can rely on a vast international network in Europe and Asia, which ensures our clients a professionally managed M&A process and opens up access to an international circle of private and institutional buyers or potential target companies. As a lecturer and consultant, he supports executives and companies in the following areas:

  • Financial Management
  • Controlling
  • Corporate Finance
  • Mergers & Acquisitions
  • Private Equity
  • Strategic Financial Management
  • Risk Management & Turnaround
  • M&A und Start-up-Management

How to contact us

+41 71 223 50 30

SGMI Management Institut St. Gallen
Bogenstrasse 7
CH-9000 St. Gallen

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