"More than four years ago, Advanzia Bank and SGMI Management Institut St. Gallen set up an internal training programme aimed at motivated and talented individuals. The aim was to develop internal career prospects by identifying high potentials and highlighting career prospects. The training programme has been running ever since and includes relevant topics such as strategy, finance, leadership and personal development. The programme is tailored precisely to our needs and the content has a very practical connection to what we do as a digital bank. Another component of the programme is the exploration of a topic related to our company’s practice and a presentation of the findings to our management. When selecting SGMI as a partner, it was important for us to find a renowned provider that can offer an English language programme and is able to tailor the content precisely to our needs. We have already conducted several cycles and have received very positive feedback from the participants - both regarding the trainers and the programme and its practical relevance. In particular, the training programme has helped participants to develop a clearer idea of their ambitions and to recognise their own potential. Our cooperation with SGMI was always smooth and uncomplicated, marked by an excellent personal rapport."
"SGMI has a comprehensive global leadership program that will help QIAGEN drive organizational effectiveness and success. Our participants are very pleased with SGMI’s ability to understand the North American culture and their capability to deliver a product that rivals one of any US based leadership training organization."
"SGMI has always recognized the importance of leadership in any organization and has supported us in our further development of leadership. The SGMI leadership program for QIAGEN is a globally acknowledged and accepted program. It has certainly overcome cultural and language barriers and has created an apt leadership model of QIAGEN’s Vision and Mission. Our participants are very pleased with SGMI’s training and their passion to deliver their message to all of us."
"In close cooperation with Swisscom, SGMI created a Talent Development Program for Group Headquarters managers, based on seminars, workshops and actual project work. The core element was SGMI-led modules in which content delivery was the priority. The success of this development program resulted, on the one hand, from the intensive networking and embedding of the SGMI modules in Swisscom’s context and, on the other hand, from the very good facilitators, who engaged the participants with practicerelevant examples and personal experience. The combination of content delivery (seminars and workshops) and practical application (project work) has paid off."
"Restructuring an organization that has been successful over many years to meet the constantly growing challenges in an international environment requires a high measure of expertise in the area of organizational development and a deep understanding of the global requirements in the respective industrial sector. At SGMI, we found this expertise and understanding, paired with very good delivery. Very positive feedback from participants showed that they had been able to discern the driving factors behind the restructuring and that had been able to convincingly and effectively plan and implement the restructuring. We are looking forward to moving ahead with our organizational development with SGMI."
"Excellent and useful program for our company. The top management have got a practical guidance on improving and evaluating the strategy. SGMI has a very professional and high energy team."
"SGMI proved to be a professional partner for the continuing education of our top management in MAN Diesel. The combined management and leadership perspective and the numerous proven-by-practice examples proved beneficial on a strategic level as well as on a personal and interpersonal level. In short: A power full step in securing top performers in MAN Diesel."
SGMI: What are the goals that Mercer wants to reach with its management development programs?
John Belland: We are looking to accelerate the development of our next generation of senior leaders in the company.
What triggered your decision to implement a companyspecific program?
We realize that every company is unique in terms of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats so we decided to work with SGMI Management Institute St. Gallen to customize a curriculum to focus on the competencies we need to execute on our strategy within that context. We also thought that we could foster inter-divisional relationship building by bringing mixed cohorts together from each of our operations.
Based on which criteria did you select the provider for the program?
We were looking for a top-tier provider with global reach – one with coaches, instructors and curriculum designers who really understand the two main cultures our people are from (i.e. Germany and Canada).
What was the most important aspect regarding the design of the program?
The most important program design aspect was to ensure that the competencies developed were those that we need to move the business forward and ensure a well-developed pipeline of future talent.
What made the program a successful one?
The quality of the program content, the skills of the instructors and coaches, the enthusiasm of the participants and strong senior management support all combined to make the program successful.
What is the biggest impact of the program for Mercer?
Beyond the skill development, we are seeing our program participants take a broader, more strategic perspective in their work. We are also seeing improved inter-divisional collaboration as a result of the strong relationships built in the cohorts.
How is the program influencing every day’s leadership practice at Mercer?
As the number of our people completing the program increases, we are noticing a common language around leadership emerging. The concepts and best-practices taught in the program are starting to become embedded in the culture. We are seeing people become more sophisticated and deliberate in their efforts to lead and influence across the company. Our program graduates are more self-aware. They are living what they learned and are passionate about spreading the learning to a broader audience in the company.
SGMI: What are your expectations towards executive coaching?
Jozef Ondáš: To learn more about myself, my leadership and management style, my preferences in behavior and in decision making, and how to make the most for my organization (TSSK), my management team and myself by knowing it.
What was your motivation for taking part in a SGMI executive coaching?
I have not participated at executive coaching yet, and therefore I was curious to see how it can help me after my more than 35 years of practice and more than 28 years in management and leadership. In the current position I am encountering some challenges (fast growth of the company, overload, not having enough time for strategy and people, very fast changing environment, etc.) and I wanted to know methods to address these challenges.
What is essential for the success of executive coaching?
Experience and knowledge of coach and methods and tools used by coach. Willingness of the coachee to accept coaching, his openness, trust.
What is the biggest added value that the executive coaching generated for T-Systems Slovakia?
I will be able to use the knowledge about my MBTI profile for much more effective management and leadership of myself and the whole management and leadership team of TSSK. I will implement a new leadership style in our company (from directive towards delegation/ coaching) to bring TSSK culture close to the TS culture, i. e. to replace fast growth period with stabilization/integration to be an integral part of a global TS, and to adjust/change current TSSK Leadership style to the new strategic goals (MD – from focus on Operations to focus on Strategy and Coaching, and Management – from Operations to Leading & Coaching). Management team takes over overall responsibility for the operational issues (delegation). To bring TSSK people to the maximum level of maturity and to prepare them for the global ICTO marketplace within relatively short time (3 years).
And for yourself?
I will be able to use the knowledge about my MBTI profile (ENTP) for much more effective management and leadership of myself and the whole management and leadership team of our company. I will be able to recognize profiles of my reportees, to understand them better and to deal with them in a more effective way.
What would you consider as unique at the SGMI executive coaching?
I cannot compare with other institutions but I appreciate very much the excellent preparation of the coach, very open and fruitful discussion and explaining of how I can use my MBTI profile in my position in the most efficient way and via this to lead my company (and myself) better.
"Besides the excellent, compact seminar program, we took advantage of the high intercultural competence in individual coaching sessions, drawn from SGMI‘s comprehensive data base of experts. The results speak for themselves: we will use SGMI services again."