The St. Gallen Center for Online Marketing & Social Media supports you in strategic projects on all online marketing and social media channels. We look for the strengths of every channel and coordinate them accordingly. Thereby, we can guide potential clients through the buying process from start to finish.


Online marketing & social media have become an established part of the marketing mix. But still, companies are facing the challenge of evaluating and measuring the various online marketing and social media channels. The various possibilities of these channels do not simplify the task. Asking "why" and "how" are the crucial questions decision makers have to face when dealing with online marketing and social media.

While some marketing departments often just freely post and communicate over various channels, decision-maker have to know in what way online marketing and social media campaigns influence the corporate success in order to decide over budget and resources. Understanding how channels can help achieving a corporate objective and in what phase of the customer life cycle they can be used effectively, is crucial when making these decisions.

The channel's different characteristics have to be considered. Google Marketing (Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Advertising SEA)) for example, is an online marketing tool only able to satisfy customer’s need but not trigger a need in the way social media channels can. When you start a search query on Google, you already know what you are looking for. Through social media channels, you can reach new potential clients and trigger requirements. It is not uncommon, that you search for a brand or product on Google after you have seen it on a social media platform for the first time. It becomes clear, that there is no either or between these two channels as they address two different stages of the purchasing process.

Consultant Services & Keynote Speeches

  • Developing Social Media Strategies
  • Designing Social Media Campaigns
  • Content Management for a successful implementation of your social media strategies
  • Lectures on topics such as online marketing, social media, social commerce, community management.


Anna-Lena Klein (Co-Autorin)

Leitfaden Online Marketing Band 2: Das Wissen der Branche

to the book

Anna-Lena Klein (Co-Autorin)

Social SEO: Unternehmer-Ratgeber zu Social Media, Google, SEO & SEM

to the book

Anna-Lena Klein (Co-Autorin)

100 Experten Online Marketing

to the book

Felix Beilharz

Der Online-Marketing-Manager: Handbuch für die Praxis

Zum Buch


Anna-Lena Klein
Director of the Center for Online Marketing & Social Media at SGMI Management Institute St. Gallen

Anna-Lena Klein is a graduate in Advertising, Marketing as well as Social Media Management. She can rely on long-lasting years of experience in marketing, social media & SEO as well as affiliate marketing. Her main topics as director of the Center for Online Marketing & Social Media at SGMI Management Institute St. Gallen are:

  • Social Media
  • Digital Marketing
  • Online Marketing

In company-specific programs and workshops, she supports companies on social media and online reputation issues and helps them to master the social web, strategically and conceptually. Furthermore, she holds lectures at conferences on a variety of topics and intensively works on the impact of social media on search engine optimization (SEO). Anna-Lena Klein also organizes branch-specific online marketing and social media conferences for companies and managers.


Anna-Lena Klein

Director of the Center for Online Marketing & Social Media at SGMI Management Institute St. Gallen

Further information

+41 71 223 50 30

How to contact us

+41 71 223 50 30

SGMI Management Institut St. Gallen
Bogenstrasse 7
CH-9000 St. Gallen

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