Strategic Management, Digitalisation, Innovation

The seminar's portfolio focuses on developing/reviewing as well as implementing corporate, company, business and functional strategies. The portfolio is, depending on the selected program, linked to and supplemented by multidisciplinary content - always in the sense of the St. Gallen management approach. Seminars address chairmen, directors, entrepreneurs, managers, profit center manager, as well as executives who have to develop strategies themselves play a key role in strategy implementation, or fulfill important tasks in the strategy process.

Strategic Management EN

This seminar with immense practical relevance is designed for managers who are involved in strategic planning and implementation.

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Strategic Business Management EN

This program in two parts is for executives who have recently taken the reins of a company or a major profit center, or will soon take on such a position. Participants improve their competencies in strategic business management, market positioning and management of financial results.

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Strategy & Leadership for Executives EN

Two-part program for experienced executives with responsibility for strategy and leadership seeking to acquire state-of-the-art knowledge in central areas of future-oriented corporate management.

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Leading Digital Transformation EN

This intensive four-day seminar covers the context of digital transformation, assesses the major drivers of new consumer behavior and prepares the transformation leader to guide and steer the organization through the digital transformation process.

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Digital Transformation for Board Members EN

This three-day intensive seminar for board members enhances their understanding of how external factors shape the future of the business landscape. The goal is to enable the participants to steer the company successfully through its digital transformation and to support the management team facing great opportunities and massive threats.

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Unlocking Speed & Innovation in a Digital Age EN

What are the capabilities needed to deliver actual results in an increasingly faster and more complex business context? This program provides the necessary tools to unlock the speed an organization needs to perform in the future and drive the digital transformation forward. The seminar focuses on innovation culture and the necessary mind-set as well as the structural setup required to deliver results.

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HR in a Transforming World EN

HR has a role to play in digital transformation - and it is far more critical than one thinks. Among the most important elements of successful digital transformation are culture and talent – recruitment, development and retention. Furthermore, a culture capable of handling high levels of uncertainty and increased outside pressure needs to be established.

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How to contact us

+41 71 223 50 30

SGMI Management Institut St. Gallen
Bogenstrasse 7
CH-9000 St. Gallen

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