The Center for Sales Communication supports companies in current issues with sales management and combines proven models, tools, and the holistic St. Gallen sales concept. This approach combines classic proven knowledge with most recent findings and approaches of modern sales communication.
Today, clients are not only considered as potential buyers anymore; the days of purely product-oriented thinking are long gone. Today's clients are responsible, sometimes critical, but always confident. The new target groups consist of people who do not simply believe everything the companies are telling them. They check, google, chat, post, connect and communicate their criticism freely and accessible for everyone - using an enormous variety of communication tools. The times are long gone when only one single good functional product was enough to lead potential customers to buy a product and excite and bind customers on the long-term.
Future sales experts, sales managers, and marketing managers have to be able to evaluate the customer's motifs, desires, needs, motivations, and fears in order to be prepared when meeting members of the target group face to face. This is, among others, the most important effect of digital transformation which will influence the work of marketing and sales departments.
And it leads to the fact that sales conversations turn into sales dialogues which have to deal with unique questions of potential customers. Scope and depth of these answers have to correspond with the situation of perception (when and where does the communication takes place?) and the target person's interest in the topic. The psychological construct "Involvement" can provide insights into how much a potential consumer might get involved with the message he received. The consumer's actual "Involvement" can serve as a guideline for a sales dialogue, both online and offline.
Depending on the company's initial situation, the Centre for Sales Communication offers tailored services: