Strategic acquisitions or sales of businesses play a crucial role in the strategic corporate development. Especially in economically turbulent times, acquisitions or sales can be highly significant and financially interesting. Combining the right approach with in-depth experience is a central factor for success - which also directly influences resource requirements and the right allocation of time and money.

Our "Center for Mergers & Acquisitions" supports both buyers and sellers in a competent and purposeful manner in the following areas of the M&A process:

  • Strategic Orientation / Strategic Reviews and Objectives in the Context of Acquisitions or Sales and Evaluation of Options and Alternatives
  • Determining the Profile of the Target Company/Potential Buyer
  • Evaluating the Company
  • Support during Due Diligence Phase: Defining Test Areas, Approach, Preparing of Documentation (Data Room), Selection Criteria for External Support
  • Contract Negotiations: Selecting the Team, Tactics, essential Contractual Elements, Negotiations
  • Preparing and Structuring of Financing Options
  • Post-merger Integration Methods
  • Increasing Profits through Efficient Integration: We present ways to efficiently and successfully bring companies together and thus release the potential of the acquisition in a more reliable and time-efficient manner
  • Determining the Implementation Plan: Road Map to Success
  • Overcoming Cultural Barriers

We offer our support, according to your requirements, in various forms:

  • as an "Advisory Mandate" in connection with a specific M&A project
  • as an "Internal Workshop", where possible projects and strategic M&A goals are worked out, evaluated, and structured in a specific and confidential setting
  • as a "In-house Seminar", where the basic know-how and the most important requirements for M&A projects are discussed and developed


Osama Rifai, lic.rer.pol.
Director of the Center for Mergers & Acquisitions at SGMI Management Institute St. Gallen

With decades of experience in corporate finance and M&A, Osman Rifai can rely on a vast international network of contacts in Europe and Asia. This ensures our clients a professionally managed M&A process and opens up access to an international circle of private and institutional buyers or potential target companies.


Osama Rifai

Director of the Center for Mergers & Acquisitions at SGMI Management Institute St. Gallen

Further information

+41 71 223 50 30

How to contact us

+41 71 223 50 30

SGMI Management Institut St. Gallen
Bogenstrasse 7
CH-9000 St. Gallen

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