Christian Muntwiler
Dr.oec. HSG

Christian Muntwiler graduated in economics at the University of St. Gallen (HSG). He holds a lic. oec. HSG degree with a specialization in media and communications management, with particular emphasis on information and technology management, as well as a Dr. oec. HSG degree. In this dissertation he wrote about the "Cognitive Biases and Debiasing in Strategic Decision Making".

As a specialist in strategic management, marketing and sales management, he has extensive experience as a lecturer, coach and consultant. This particularly applies to the execution and project lead of mandates with a focus on strategy, business development, marketing and product management, as well as information, project and process management in sectors such as transport/logistics, insurance and manufacturing. As a lecturer he focuses on the following areas, among others:

  • Holistic Business Management
  • Strategic Management
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Marketing Concepts
  • Strategic Sales

How to contact us

+41 71 223 50 30

SGMI Management Institut St. Gallen
Bogenstrasse 7
CH-9000 St. Gallen

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