Four-month, part-time program including an on-site seminar, a distance learning course and a practical project paper.


Certificate Program in finance and accounting, controlling and financial management for:

  • Executives responsible for financial results, or prospective managers in a similar position,
  • Heads of business units or project heads who are nonfinancial managers,
  • Specialists and practitioners of all business segments complementing their education with comprehensive financial management basics,
  • Prospective managers in financial positions.


The Financial Management Certificate Program has three units:

  • Intensive onsite seminar
  • Four-week distance learning module
  • Independent literature study and project paper


1. Seminar

The program starts with "Financial Management," an on-site seminar that covers:

  • Overview of financial management
  • Achieving financial results
  • Controlling

2. Distance Learning

The distance-learning unit, set in an international context, broadens and deepens participants’ knowledge. In addition to their literature assignments, participants take a four-week distance learning course designed and taught by leading US professors.


The purpose of this course is to familiarize managers with the essential techniques and perspectives they need to make sound financial decisions. By completing the assignments and working through the materials, participants come to understand the difference between economically sound and economically flawed financial decision analysis. More specifically, they come to understand and apply:

  • The concept of time value of money, and the use of time value calculations in making capital investment decisions.
  • Statistical measures of risk and return commonly used in financial management decisions.
  • Cash flow forecasting and analysis for capital budgeting analysis.
  • Common capital budgeting decision techniques.

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Howard Finch

3. Project Paper (Practical Part)

The practical part of this program ensures that participants’ studies relate to their current jobs. Participants select a subject or a project and write a 30- to 50-page project paper. The paper should build participants’ knowledge and skill in their specific business areas.

4. Certificate

After successfully completing this program, participants are awarded the “Financial Management Certificate” from SGMI Management Institute St. Gallen.

Information und Beratung

+41 71 223 50 30


  • Duration: 4 to 6 months
  • Program Fees: CHF 8900 (plus 8.1% VAT)
    Invoicing in EUR possible (depending on current currency rate)

Alle Durchführungen ausklappen Alle Durchführungen einklappen

Nr. ED-74224 beginnend am 18.11.24

Modul Datum Ort
Seminar 18.11.2024 - 21.11.2024 Davos, CH
Distance Learning November 2024
Project Paper Winter 2024/2025

Zur Anmeldung

Nr. ED-74125 beginnend am 23.06.25

Modul Datum Ort
Seminar 23.06.2025 - 26.06.2025 Davos, CH
Distance Learning June 2025
Project Paper Summer 2025

Zur Anmeldung

Nr. ED-74225 beginnend am 17.11.25

Modul Datum Ort
Seminar 17.11.2025 - 20.11.2025 Davos, CH
Distance Learning November 2025
Project Paper Winter 2025/2026

Zur Anmeldung

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+41 71 223 50 30

SGMI Management Institut St. Gallen
Bogenstrasse 7
CH-9000 St. Gallen

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